“I bought the steamer specifically for cleaning all the restrooms, mirrors, and glass doors. I was particularly impressed with the idea of cleaning without using any chemicals. I’ve not seen any other device or method for cleaning grout for tile as easily as this. I have seen numerous examples of the quality of cleaning made possible by using this machine. I would personally recommend it to anyone interested in saving time and money”.
Fernando Briones
Allergan Inc.
“I believe this machine will revolutionize the cleaning business. I would highly recommend your product to anyone that is concerned about living in an environment only healthy home or office”.
Thomas Bryant
Allergy & Environmental Medical Care
“Thank you for introducing us to the European steamer. We have performed task from detailing wheelchairs to removing mold, mildew and soap scum in the showers. The kitchen help has praised its performance from unstopping drains to cleaning the event of a ventahood. The maintenance department have done everything from stripping wax buildup on edges to cleaning air conditioning coils. Even the residents comment on the fresh smell versus the chemicals, not to mention the money savings“.
Frank Philbin
Fireside Lodge
Fantastic for major cleanup at the end of the day. Fastest detail cleaning of tables, wheelchairs, and all stainless steel, and hard surfaces.
Patient Rooms
Cleans the entire room –– from floors, windows and walls, to privacy curtains, showers, sinks and toilets. Also sanitize bedding, mattresses, pillows and arm rails.
Waiting rooms lounges water fountains
Remove stains, spots and gum from the pole street, plus lift out odor. Clean and sanitize tables, handrails, vinyl furniture, and more.
Floors walkways baseboards carpets
Dry steam and spot clean linoleum, carpet, hardwood and concrete floors. Services dry within minutes! Also, clean and polish aluminum threshold in no time.
Tile Grout
The best tile and grout cleaner available. No coustic cleaners!
Sanitize tile, grout and fixtures. Remove odors, plus aluminate mold and mildew.
Kills dust mites, bacteria, and most known allergens. Clean floors, Doors, walls in bed with ease, as well as kill odors and Minnie known allergens.